Read you know, is good for the brain! And the more you read the better: magazines, comics, books, newspapers, anything goes as long as you read it. But the culture often brings with it the subtle contra our house, maybe even a small one, is overrun with books, old newspapers, glossy magazines and non-comics of all kinds. We find ourselves with large quantities of newspapers, magazines, catalogs of supermarkets, which are thrown away after reading or left in piles or sparsiper the house. But why not recycle them, turning them into something useful at no cost? Here's some advice for "empty" in a smart way at least the magazine at home. How? By reusing creatively
giovedì 31 ottobre 2013
Riutilizzare creativamente le vecchie riviste
Leggere si sa, fa bene al cervello! E più si legge meglio è: riviste, fumetti, libri, giornali va bene tutto purché si legga. Ma la cultura spesso porta con sé delle subdole controindicazioni; la nostra casa, magari anche piccola, è invasa da libri, vecchi giornali, riviste patinate e non, fumetti di ogni genere e epoca. Spesso ci troviamo con grandi quantità di giornali, riviste, cataloghi dei supermercati, che dopo la lettura vengono buttati via o lasciati in pile o sparsi per la casa. Ma perchè non riciclarli trasformandoli in qualcosa di utile a costo zero? Eccovi dei consigli per “svuotare” in modo intelligente almeno i portariviste di casa. Come? Riutilizzando creativamente
Read you know, is good for the brain! And the more you read the better: magazines, comics, books, newspapers, anything goes as long as you read it. But the culture often brings with it the subtle contra our house, maybe even a small one, is overrun with books, old newspapers, glossy magazines and non-comics of all kinds. We find ourselves with large quantities of newspapers, magazines, catalogs of supermarkets, which are thrown away after reading or left in piles or sparsiper the house. But why not recycle them, turning them into something useful at no cost? Here's some advice for "empty" in a smart way at least the magazine at home. How? By reusing creatively
Read you know, is good for the brain! And the more you read the better: magazines, comics, books, newspapers, anything goes as long as you read it. But the culture often brings with it the subtle contra our house, maybe even a small one, is overrun with books, old newspapers, glossy magazines and non-comics of all kinds. We find ourselves with large quantities of newspapers, magazines, catalogs of supermarkets, which are thrown away after reading or left in piles or sparsiper the house. But why not recycle them, turning them into something useful at no cost? Here's some advice for "empty" in a smart way at least the magazine at home. How? By reusing creatively
uuuu.tanto da fare qui..bello..le farfalle, le candele...umhh!!!
RispondiEliminabacino della notte
si, hai ragione Piera le farfalle sono meravigliose...baci baci
RispondiEliminaBeautiful are the ideas !
RispondiEliminaGreetings, RW & SK